[Hackrf-dev] RX/TX switching problem
Александр Шевелёв
2018-02-27 13:42:55 UTC
Still searching for solution...
Previously hackrf_start_rx() function used to return HACKRF_SUCCESS every time even if it fails (no callbacks after switching to RX).
I've rebuild libhackrf with libusb 1.0.21. Now the failure is more clear, because when something goes wrong hackrf_start_rx() returns "Resource busy" error.

Also I found that the error often occurs when I'm open another app (taskmgr, file explorer, browser, whatever) and my program is running in background.
I have no idea how to deal with it. If this is a performance issue (although Core i5-7500 should be enough), I need program to be running anyway instead of crashing.

С уважением,
Александр Шевелёв

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