Dave New
2017-03-20 21:27:01 UTC
I haven't been tinkering with grc for a while, but I've booted the
Ubuntu system now and then and taken any system updates offered.
Apparently, something broke. Now, whenever I try to execute any of my
grc saved files, it always quits with the following error:
ImportError: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgnuradio-osmosdr.so.0.1.5git:
undefined symbol: _ZN3uhd6device4findERKNS_13device_addr_tE
I did a Google search, and found a conversation from last year about
library issues, but nothing that seemed to point out to me just how to
go about correcting this. Maybe I'll have to bite the bullet and
uninstall all of the gnuradio stuff and re-install? AFAIK, it was all
done using the Ubuntu package manager. PyBOMBS is not installed on this
machine (yet).
I'd like to be able to keep this stuff running without having to jump
into the arcane dependencies that can crop up now and then. Would
re-installing using PyBOMBS give me the least headache, or just a
different bunch of challenges?
Thanks, and 73,
-- Dave, N8SBE
Ubuntu system now and then and taken any system updates offered.
Apparently, something broke. Now, whenever I try to execute any of my
grc saved files, it always quits with the following error:
ImportError: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgnuradio-osmosdr.so.0.1.5git:
undefined symbol: _ZN3uhd6device4findERKNS_13device_addr_tE
I did a Google search, and found a conversation from last year about
library issues, but nothing that seemed to point out to me just how to
go about correcting this. Maybe I'll have to bite the bullet and
uninstall all of the gnuradio stuff and re-install? AFAIK, it was all
done using the Ubuntu package manager. PyBOMBS is not installed on this
machine (yet).
I'd like to be able to keep this stuff running without having to jump
into the arcane dependencies that can crop up now and then. Would
re-installing using PyBOMBS give me the least headache, or just a
different bunch of challenges?
Thanks, and 73,
-- Dave, N8SBE